Types of Hearing Aids: How to Pick the Best One for You

Before buying hearing aids, it is very important to choose the right type of hearing aids. Whether you’re looking for discreet IIC hearing aids or a versatile BTE model, each type offers distinct features and has pros and cons. Read on to go through different types and make the most appropriate type for your lifestyle and preferences.
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Types of Hearing Aids: How to Pick the Best One for You

According to a study, only one in 5 people in the US who need a hearing aid wear one, some of the reasons being lack of comfort and high cost. In 2022, the FDA approved over-the-counter hearing aids, allowing people to get them for lower prices. But how do you select the right one that'll help your specific type of hearing loss while still matching your personal preferences? In this article, we break down the top 5 types of hearing aids available in the US, their pros and cons, and who they work best for.

 Table of Contents:

What Types of Hearing Aids Are There?

Hearing aids enable people with hearing loss to hear better by capturing and amplifying sounds.

Typically, a fashionable hearing aid has microphones that pick up sounds and move them to an amplifier that processes those sounds before sending them to a receiver (speaker) that delivers the amplified sounds into the inner ear. The device also has a set of batteries. The arrangement of these components causes the main differences among hearing aids.

From the biggest to the smallest devices, these are the most common hearing aid types available:

BTE (Behind-the-Ear) Hearing Aid

A BTE hearing aid has all the major components (microphones, amplifiers, receivers, and batteries) in a plastic case placed behind the ear. Then, a plastic tube funnels the amplified sounds into the ear, fitted with a customized ear mold or dome. This type of hearing aid works for mild to severe hearing loss.

BTE hearing aids are commonly recommended for children because the ear mold can be changed as the child grows older and the ear shape changes. They're also great for older adults with dexterity issues who prefer manual controls.


  • BTE hearing aids work for mild to severe hearing loss
  • They’re big enough to have advanced features like directional microphones
  • They're great for patients who want easy manual controls
  • Their molds or domes can be changed separately without getting new hearing aids


  • BTE hearing aids are obvious to other people (although smaller sizes are being manufactured)
  • The ones fitted with ear molds may cause an occlusion effect where the patient feels like the ear is blocked or stuffed
  • They can pick up too much noise
  • They can get clogged up by too much ear wax or moisture

Traditional BTE aids cost a few thousand dollars because of go-betweens and customized ear molds. 

Fortunately, you can get Ceretone Nexus, an FDA-approved over-the-counter BTE hearing aid, much cheaper than traditional ones. Nexus offers enhanced noise reduction and several listening modes, including normal, restaurant, outdoor, and music.

Read More: RIC vs. BTE Hearing Aids

RIC (Receiver-In-the-Canal) / RITE (Receiver-In-The-Ear) Hearing Aids

RIC hearing aids house the microphones and amplifiers in a case also placed behind the ear. But, the receiver is placed inside the ear. Hence, the name. The receiver is connected to the case by a thin wire that transmits the amplified sound waves into the ear.

RICs have less occlusion effect because they can use ear domes instead of molds. Furthermore, although RIC cases are smaller than BTEs, they still have directional microphones and t-coil switches. 

RIC hearing aids reviews:

Lexie B2 Hearing Aids vs. Ceretone Beacon: Why Pay More for Less?

Ceretone Beacon vs Sennheiser All-Day Clear - RIC Hearing Aid Reviews

RICs are also called RITE (Receiver-In-The-Ear), depending on the manufacturer.


  • RICs work for mild to severe hearing loss
  • They have less occlusion effect due to the ear domes replacing molds
  • Can support directional microphones and direct audio input 
  • Great fit for people who want manual controls
  • The speaker part can be replaced separately


  • Still very visible
  • The receiver may get clogged by earwax 
  • Power domes may cause minor occlusion effect

Just like BTEs, prescription RITEs easily go for a couple thousand bucks. 

However, Ceretone Beacon are over-the-counter RIC hearing aids with preset listening modes, rechargeable batteries that last up to 15 hours on a single charge, and a mobile app for easy controls, all for half a thousand. Even better, you can fit Ceretone Beacon and enjoy direct audio input and t-coil modes.

ITC (In-The-Canal) or ITE (In-The-Ear) Hearing Aids

ITC hearing aids, similar to ITE hearing aids, fit in the outer ear. If the aid covers the whole outer ear bowl, it’s called full-shell ITC, but if it only covers a portion, it’s called half-shell ITC.

ITC hearing aids are small, so they're a bit private. However, they're big enough to have advanced features and long battery life. Still, people who suffer dexterity issues may not like them because they’re tiny. However, many modern ITC hearing aids, including Ceretone’s Fusion, come with mobile apps and app guides for remote control.

Audiologists recommend ITC hearing aids for mild to severe hearing loss. 


  • ITCs are more discreet than BTEs and RITEs
  • Although small, they’re still capable of advanced functions
  • Many have rechargeable batteries that last over 20 hours every single charge


  • Ear wax can clog up ITC hearing aids
  • People with dexterity issues (usually older people) may find them too small to control manually
  • Patients may experience occlusion effects when using them

If you’re looking for affordable ITC hearing aids, check out the FDA-approved and super-affordable Ceretone Fusion, which comes with rechargeable batteries that last up to 25 hours on every single charge. Try them for 60 days to see if they'll be the best for you.

CIC (Completely-In-the-Canal) Hearing Aids

CIC hearing aids are placed deep in the inner ear. They are barely visible except for a small pin or tag, allowing easy removal. 

Because they’re so tiny, CIC hearing aids don't support advanced features like directional microphones. Their battery life is also shorter because the batteries are smaller, although most are rechargeable hearing aids.

Furthermore, CIC hearing aids are so small that manual controls are not often found on them. Fortunately, many manufacturers also offer mobile apps for remote control.

Completely-in-the-canal hearing aids work best for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.  Since they sit inside the ear, the outer ear still has to move external sounds into the ear for the aid to pick up. This may not be possible for people with profound hearing loss.

Still, CIC hearing aids deliver clear and crisp natural sounds.


  • CIC hearing aids deliver natural sounds because the outer ear still funnels sounds to the inner ear.
  • They pick up less wind noise
  • Patients don’t suffer occlusion effects (depending on the ear dome the hearing aid is fitted with)
  • CIC hearing aids are very discreet and can’t be easily seen by other people
  • Many can connect wirelessly to other devices 
  • Most have rechargeable batteries


  • CIC hearing aids are so tiny that manual control is difficult
  • They don’t offer advanced features like directional microphones
  • They can be clogged by earwax
  • People with dexterity issues may find them challenging to use

Ceretone Core One is an over-the-counter CIC hearing aid with a mobile app, rechargeable batteries that last 13 hours on a single charge, and several listening modes for various environments.

Read More: Completely In Canal CIC Hearing Aids: Everything You Must Know

IIC (Invisible-In-the-Canal) Hearing Aids

IIC hearing aids are even smaller than CIC hearing aids, so they are often hailed as invisible hearing aids. They sit inches deep inside the ear canal, making them almost invisible to other people. However, they still have the removal tags.

Just like CIC too, IIC hearing aids can't offer advanced features. They're also tricky to use by people with dexterity issues and can be clogged by earwax.

Not to worry, though. IIC hearing aids deliver natural sounds to the ear because the outer ear must still work normally.

IIC hearing aids reviews:

Ceretone Core One vs Eargo 7 Hearing Aids: Alternative, Reviews & Price

Finally, IIC hearing aids are best for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. 


  • IIC hearing aids are the most discreet hearing aids
  • They deliver natural sounds to the inner ear
  • They minimize the occlusion effect and feedback signals
  • Most come with rechargeable batteries
  • Most also have mobile apps for wireless and connectivity


  • IIC hearing aids can’t help severe or profound hearing loss
  • They don’t offer advanced features that some users may be looking for
  • They may be too difficult to use for older adults and people with dexterity issues

What Type of Hearing Aid Is Best for Me?

The best type of hearing aid for you is the one that improves your hearing while also being comfortable and easy to use. 

It's recommended that people looking for hearing aids first visit audiologists who’ll diagnose the cause and type of their hearing loss and then create custom earmolds for them. However, with FDA-approved over-the-counter hearing aids available, you can now consider the following factors to find the best hearing aid for you.

  • Hearing loss severity: BTE and RITE hearing aids work great for people with mild to severe hearing loss. However, CIC and IIC are specifically recommended for people with mild to moderate hearing loss since their outer ear still has to work normally.
  • Ease of use: You should want a hearing aid that’s easy to place in your ear and to control. Elderly people who have dexterity issues and young children whose ear shapes are still changing may have problems using ITC, CIC, and IIC hearing aids in the long term. However, BTE and RITE hearing aids are more easily controlled manually and more cost-effective for children. 
  • Cosmetic preference: If you prefer to remain private about wearing hearing aids, the best option is the CIC or IIC hearing aid. 
  • Extra features: While CIC hearing aids are discreet, they cannot provide advanced features such as directional microphones, t-coil, and direct audio input, which can all be found on many BTE, RITE, and ITC hearing aids.

Closely consider all the available options to choose the best one for you.

Types of Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing aid batteries are divided into two main types – disposable and rechargeable

Disposable hearing aid batteries are used once and discarded. You have to replace them each time they die. However,  most disposable hearing aid batteries last 3 to 22 days. Ceretone Nexus Zinc Air batteries last 100 hours, meaning that if you use them 7 hours daily, they can last up to two weeks.

On the other hand, rechargeable batteries come in cases that charge the hearing aids every time the batteries die.

For instance, Ceretone Fusion lasts 25 hours for a single charge, and the case can charge the batteries 3 times.

Read More: Hearing Aid with Battery vs. Rechargeable: Pros and Cons

Types of Hearing Aid Domes

A hearing aid dome is a small plastic or silicone cover that’s placed on top of the hearing aid receiver that's directly in the ear. These are the most common types:

Open Domes

Open domes have many holes, which allow for a more natural sound flow. Because low-frequency sounds come through the holes, they're perfect for people with high-frequency hearing loss.

Even though open domes minimize the occlusion effect some hearing aid users complain about, they may still generate whistling sounds if they're not correctly fitted.

Closed Domes

Closed domes still have holes, but they’re much fewer than the open ones. They preserve more sounds and work for people with high-frequency loss and some low-frequency loss. They're more snug than open domes and also reduce feedback whistling sounds.

Power Domes 

Power domes don't have any holes in them. They're great for people with moderate to severe hearing loss because manufacturers don't want any amplified sound to escape. While the feedback is almost eliminated, some users complain that power domes cause feelings of occlusion.

Read More: Can I Use Neosporin in My Hearing Aid Domes

Bone Anchored Hearing Aids Types

Bone-anchored hearing aids send sound waves directly to your cochlea without using the outer or middle ear. They‘re made of titanium implants placed on the skull and sound processors connecting to the implants.

There are two main types of BAHA implants:

Abutment BAHA

In abutment BAHAs, the implant is placed on the skull, with a part of it coming through to be visible on the skin. Users attach the sound processor to the visible connecting abutment to use the hearing aid.

Abutment BAHAs are loud with better hearing results and they allow for MRI scans. However, unless you have hair covering the area, it doesn't offer a lot of privacy.

Magnet BAHA

Here, the implants are completely concealed under the skin. They're invisible when no processor is there. Users place the magnetic sound processor on the area to attach it. 

Magnetic BAHAs are quieter than the abutment type and may interfere with MRI scans. Yet, they have less chances of skin infections because the magnet is completely under the skin.

BAHAs are typically used for hearing disorders that hearing aids can’t help, including deafness in one ear, conductive hearing loss (where sound doesn’t normally pass through the ears), and severe Meniere’s disease.

Aside from bone-anchored hearing aids, you can also get non-surgical bone-conduction hearing aids that attach to your skin. Some are put in a headband.

Get a Hearing Aid Today

Hearing loss generally progresses as time goes on. It’s even considered a risk factor for more serious diseases like dementia. Get the help you need today by visiting an audiologist for a personalized hearing profile and a hearing aid explicitly tuned for you.

Alternatively, check  Ceretone hearing aids to pick out the best over-the-counter hearing aids for you depending on your level of hearing loss and personal preferences. Join the tons of people who trust Ceretone hearing aids to deliver clear and crisp hearing. 

Hearing aids help sensorineural hearing loss caused by damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. This damage can be caused by exposure to loud noises, age, disease, and other factors.

Any hearing aid that delivers clear sound and features for relieving tinnitus symptoms is good for tinnitus. These include BTE hearing aids that may have white noise for masking tinnitus and hearing aids with customized sound profiles for different environments.

According to a study, the best types of hearing aids for Meniere’s disease are ones that allow patients to reprogram their hearing aids as their hearing fluctuates.

BTE and RITE hearing aids are among the best hearing aid types for seniors because they’re easy to control manually and offer advanced features for severe hearing loss.

Any hearing aid fitted with an open ear dome will work for high-frequency hearing loss. This is because open domes allow low-frequency sounds to pass through naturally while high-frequency sounds are amplified. Also, remember, you can visit an audiologist and get a hearing aid that’s specifically tuned to work for you.

BAHAs are the best type of hearing aids for otosclerosis because they allow the inner ear to receive sound signals directly from the aid without using the outer or middle parts of the ears. Osteosclerosis is an abnormal growth in the middle ear that affects normal ear sound movement.

BTE and RITE hearing aids are the best type of hearing aids for severe hearing loss because they’re powerful enough to amplify sounds so that the few surviving hair cells can receive them. Also, they have advanced features like direct audio input and directional microphones for even better use.

Both CIC and IIC hearing aids are tiny devices that fit entirely in the ear. However, IIC hearing aids fit more deeply in the ear, which is better if you want the best discreet hearing aids. Yet, both are almost the same, and your choice depends significantly on your preference.

ITC hearing aids are larger than CIC hearing aids, and so are more visible. Also, they work for profound hearing loss and have advanced features, things CIC hearing aids can’t do. However, CIC hearing aids deliver more natural sounds since the outer ear is left to work naturally. Plus, CIC aids are more discreet than ITC ones.

While CIC hearing aids are entirely placed in the canal, RIC hearing aids only have the receiver in the canal, with the rest in a case behind the ear. If you want privacy, CICs are your best option. But if you want more robust features, go for RIC hearing aids. Interestingly, both can deliver natural sounds since they both leave the outer ear open.

RIC hearing aids have small outer cases, meaning they’re less visible than BTE’s. Even better, they offer advanced features and create less occlusion than BTEs.

Even though ITE hearing aids fit entirely into the ear for more privacy, they can be challenging to operate because of their small size. Some also lack advanced features found on the BTEs. Furthermore, BTEs are perfect for small kids with developing ear canals.

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