Step 1: Avoid extreme hearing situations (overly loud or complete silence)
Step 2: Slowly increase the time you wear your aids each day
Step 3: Learn to manage the sound levels in your devices
Step 4: Adapt your "listening skills" to using hearing aids
Step 5: Adjust to hearing your own voice in a new way
Step 6: Start with one-on-one conversations in quiet settings
Step 7: Start to participate in (small) group conversations again
Step 8: Practice listening in gradually noisier environments again
Step 9: Try new places such as public buildings and outdoor areas
Step 10: Be prepared for an initial learning curve - it's OK to stumble a bit at first; a bit of frustration from all of the above is to be expected
Final advice
Getting used to a new hearing method like a hearing aid takes time. Despite the challenge and the practice it takes to get there, it's a journey that will be rewarding and effortless sooner than you expect. Besides the health benefits related to staving off cognitive decline, reclaiming your hearing will bring you joy in being able to communicate and connect once again to the world around you.